ROTEC Lighting Product

Electronic Xenon PSU
HBX 76

Electronic Control System for Xenon and Mercury Lamps with onboard Igniter



Electronic Control System for Xenon and Mercury Lamps with onboard Igniter


  • Power supply for metal halide or xenon filled short arc lamps
  • Designed for xenon and mercury short arc lamps rated up to 100 W
  • Output power customer selectable by DIL / 16 step-switch
  • Capable to drive lamp voltages ranging from 8 to 45 V
  • Certified by OSRAM and USHIO
  • Input voltage range from 90 V AC to 264 V AC, power factor corrected line input, built-in EMI-filter: meets CE and FCC part “A”
  • μP controlled, digital power management with high output stability over lamp lifetime
  • Output short circuit protected
  • Galvanic separation of lamp output and line input, thermal shut off at 90°C
  • Indication function for end of lamp life selectable and shut off for lamp fail parameter
  • Customer adjustable to less than 0.3% rms light flicker at all frequencies uninterr.
  • Default light stability with modulation of less than ± 3% during full wave supply interruption
  • Auxiliary regulated 12 V / 0.2 A output for fan drive (available only when lamp lit)
  • Flexible design: new lamps and functions adaptable by software

Additional information

For Manufacturer


Type (Ushio)

Type (Osram)

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All values are valid at 25 ± 5°C, unless otherwise noted

Nominal OperationSymbolUnitNominalTolerancesRemarks
Input voltage AC-LineUV AC100 - 24090 - 264
System wattagePLIW14060 - 145Depends on select
Input currentILIA0.22 - 1.65Depends on select
Line frequencyFinHz50/6047 - 63
Line power factorPFC11.00.92 - 1.0
Ignition voltageUignkVpeak± 14± 12 - ± 17Load capacity < 20 pF
Ignition timetign onsec.10.9 - 1.1
RunMaximum cable length
between ballast and lamp-up
lmaxmm240max. 300Open ends
Nominal Operation
Lamp voltageULaV7.4 - 45± 5%Depends on lamp select
Lamp wattagePLaW50, 75, 100± 2%Selectable 50, 75, 100
Lamp currentILaADepend on select
End-Of Life-Cut off voltageU La, maxV45± 2 V
End-Of-Life-Cut off timet EOL-Offs< 0.2
HF-Ripple of output powerPLa,rip
P La
%< 3 p-p7.4 V - 45 V
LIFETIME DATA · All values for Uu = 230 V mrs, Temperature at test point = 70°C
Ballast lifetimetLifeH25.000>25.000Acc. to MIL HDBK for
nominal operation
Length x width x heightL x W x Hmm128 x 86 x 53
HousingClosed case Al- U-profile
WeightWBkg0.41± 0.02ECS 100 DC-y (incl. Igniter)